Friday, October 19, 2012

It's finally Auggie's first day of school! How do you think it's going so far?

Auggie really likes Mr. Browne's class and I think it's cool that even though Auggie is feeling awkward and unsure a lot of the time, in Mr. Browne's class he decides he is going to like school. "No matter what."

I love the idea of the precepts, or "rules about important things" that Mr. Browne is doing. Mr. Browne's September precept is "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." When listening to what you guys think this means, I heard a lot of really great ideas. One idea stood out to me though. Trevor, from my bell 2 class said, "You don't always have to be right, but if you're kind, you're never wrong." WOW! I hadn't thought of it that way, but Trevor is absolutely right! What great insight! I love the idea that as long as I am being kind and doing the kind thing and making choices that are kind, I am right. Think about how much better our school, community, and world would be if everyone followed this practice!


  1. I think that julian will end up being friends with jack,Charlotte ,and August.

  2. I think so far that Jack and Charlotte will be friends with Auggie

  3. I also think that he will become friends with Jack and Charlotte but not Julian because Julian is mean in the book.

  4. thanks mrs.kirby and i also think that auggie will be friends with jack and charlotte.

  5. i think that the precepts will teach auggie a lot of cool new things...and trevor's explanation was great!
