Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mrs. Kirby Cried

Yes, it happened. While reading from Wonder today, I cried. It was during the chapter called "How I Came to Life." What a great opportunity to talk about what makes a book a "great" book. I connected with Auggie's mom as she saw his sweet little face for the first time. No matter what he looked like to the rest of the world, he was beautiful to her and she loved him more than anything. When we connect with a story in such a personal way,  it becomes a memorable book to us.
Another thing that makes this book memorable is the author's ability to make us laugh. I know teachers probably aren't supposed to think farts are funny, but the part of the story about the farting nurse and the doctor passing out makes me laugh every time I read it!
What an amazing book to have me laughing one minute and crying the next! I can't wait to read more to you guys!


  1. Mrs. Kirby, why do you think the author hasn't told us what he looks like. I think it is so we can use our imagination.

  2. You could be right, Ethan. I was thinking maybe she wants us to get to know Auggie before we "see" him. Maybe she is afraid we would judge him and not give him a chance, just like everyone else does.

  3. Hey mrs Kirby. I told my mom about this chapter and she almost started crying too. It's a really good book so far.

  4. I like my mom telling me the story of how I was born. I was in distress and almost died!! But I was fine. I did come out with a cone shaped head, though.
