Wednesday, May 15, 2013


We have started a really cool project in class. We are using a web application called "Animoto" to create book trailers for books we have read as a class. We had a choice of 6 books and whether to work alone or with a partner. After filling out brainstorming sheets about the books and learning how to correctly save images into our files, we finally got to start working on the book trailers yesterday. We are choosing an appropriate style and appropriate music for the book trailer along with choosing images and text that will entice people to read the book. 
It's really neat to watch the trailers come together. When they are finished, they will look like they were professionally done. 
If you are one of my students reading this, share your trailer with someone in your family (even if you aren't done with it yet). They will be impressed. 
If you are a parent reading this, ask your child to share the book trailer with you. You won't be disappointed!


  1. I love this project

  2. Can I share my video on my partner's account so he can show it to his parents?

    1. I will look into it. I know you can share it with people once it is finished and published, but I am not sure if you can share it with anyone while it is in progress, unless you give them your login info.

  3. This project is very fun i hope to do more projects like this in later years

  4. I my video wasn't long enough. :(

  5. This was probably my most faveorite project i've done this whole year! I liiked it allot!

  6. I loved doing the project. It was so much fun!!!
