Thursday, December 13, 2012


We are flying through this book - trying to get it done and have time to discuss it before break. Today we read about Auggie's experience at the 5th grade retreat. The way the camp was described sounded kind of like our 5th grade trip to Camp Kern. I was surprised that Julian didn't go. Why do you think he would want to miss something like that?
While at the retreat movie night, Jack and Auggie have a run-in with some 7th graders from another school. The other kids are horribly mean to Auggie and when Jack stands up for him they push Jack down. Just as it seems like Jack and Auggie are really going to get it, Amos, Miles, and Henry show up and stand up for them.
Why do you think Amos, Miles, and Henry did that? All year they have been mean to and/or ignored Auggie. What has changed? Why would they suddenly want to stand up for Auggie and be nice to him?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's because they realized how bad bullying can hurt someone by watching the 7th graders. They might have felt bad for all they've done to him, and tried to help him out.
